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Washington State Parks

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The Coast Region
Bottle Beach State Park
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Bottle Beach State Park © ECTran71 / CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
View of Bottle Beach at sunset with tide flats in the background, Bottle Beach State Park, Washington, USA.
Bottle Beach State Park © ECTran71 / CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Redman Slough as viewed from the boardwalk, Bottle Beach State Park, Washington, USA.
Bottle Beach State Park © Brandi Lane from Seattle, US / CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
amazing little birding park
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33 Ocosta 3rd Street
Aberdeen, Washington   98520
(lat:46.896 lon:-124.0404) map location

Phone: 360-268-9717
Bottle Beach State Park is a 64-acre day-use park with 6,000 feet of shoreline on Grays Harbor. The open tide flats are the park's most significant feature. Mud flats in the area support a rich supply of invertebrates that attract shorebirds as they migrate from Central and South America to their breeding grounds in the Arctic.

Grays Harbor is considered the single most important shorebird feeding area on the Pacific Coast, attracting more than a million birds each spring. Up to 20 percent of these migrating birds use the area just off Bottle Beach, which has been designated an Important Bird Area by the Audubon Society. Large numbers of migratory waterfowl also use the area. Raptors such as peregrine falcons visit the area because of the abundant prey available. In all, more than 130 species of birds have been observed at Bottle Beach.

Dogs are only allowed at the park during hunting season, from November through February. Service dogs are allowed at all times.

The park is open dawn to dusk year round.
Nature of the Area
The Bottle Beach Interpretive Trail consists of a trailhead, parking lot, 0.7 miles of ADA accessible trail, three wildlife viewing platforms or blinds and approximately 9.5 acres of restored habitat.

History of the Area
Bottle Beach State Park is located on the historic town site of Ocosta. Near the end of the 19th century, plans were made to establish a deep water port in the Grays Harbor area. The Northern Pacific Railroad chose Ocosta for its Pacific Ocean terminus, thus providing an avenue for imports and exports to find their way by land. As the boom ensued, prospective investors from the east were solicited, "...nothing can prevent making this the most important harbor north of San Francisco, if not the chief harbor of this Pacific Coast," read an early advertisement.

Soon, the Ocosta settlement sprouted with a school, three hotels, three churches, a bank, post office, the Ocosta Lumber Company and the Ocosta Brewing Company. Aspirations for an ocean harbor soon deteriorated as an economic downturn, railroad realignmnet and sedimentation undermined the possibility of Ocosta becoming a principle port. Time slipped away as Ocosta by the Sea slowly became the landscape you see today.
A Discover Pass is required for vehicle access to Washington state parks for day use. For more information about the Discover Pass and exemptions, please visit the Discover Pass web page.

Bottle Beach State Park offers picnic tables and grills for visitors. It's a great place to enjoy meals with scenic views.
Nature Programs
The Bottle Beach Interpretive Trail consists of a trailhead and parking lot, 0.7 miles of ADA-accessible trail, three wildlife viewing platforms or blinds and approximately 9.5 acres of habitat restoration, including removal of invasive plant species and appropriate replacement of native plants. The facilities focus visitation on a carefully located and screened trail, and viewing platforms and blinds minimize disturbance to shorebirds. The site also includes interpretive panels to enrich the visitor experience and increase awareness of proper birding etiquette, such as keeping voices low and avoiding sudden movement.

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Area Campgrounds
Ocean Mist Resort
2781 State Route 109
Ocean City, WA
Nearby Hotels

Bottle Beach State Park is located approximately 20 minutes west of Aberdeen. From Aberdeen, travel west on Highway 105 towards Westport. Continue on Highway 105 over Johns River and past the Ocean Spray Cranberry facility. Watch for brown park signs just beyond Ocosta Myrtle Street. The park is located on the north side of the highway.

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Washington State Parks