Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
April 15 liking the improvements!

We are excited for the new bathhouse to open in time for summer 2015. Then comes new sand, and we hear that a new HUGE destination playground is coming.And lots of cool events! Learn more at Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park website, or find them on Facebook.
September 3 Ruined for me by DKM

I could never visit this park as I would always associate this place with that horrible July day 40 years ago. A bright sunshine filled day turned into one of the cloudiest ever. Janice Ott and Denise Naslund you will never be forgotten. What would your lives have turned out to be. Something only God knows. The other lucky girls form that fateful day. I hope you found peace and happiness. Those of us old enough to remember know what I am talking about. To those younger please enjoy the park but always be careful as you would any place.
September 10 Launch maintenance

On Sunday September 9th While pulling my boat out of the water I jump down off my boat and walk to the front to crank it up. My foot went down in space between the cement platforms. It was stuck, in the process of pulling my foot loose it tore my tevas and took layers of skin off the side of my foot. We will think twice before using the launch again.
July 24 Waste of Tax Dollars by J Valente

So they rebuilt the dock, painted lanes, and all should be good, right? Why when the government is out of money do we pay to have a parks employee at the launch telling people when to pull forward and luanch the boat. The parks employee would make people wait when over half the launch stalls were open. This is another sorry example of the government trying to hold peoples hands. If he wants to help he should go talk to the people that are standing at the dock holding there boat while the husband retrieves or parks the vehicle. This behavior is unacceptable at a lunch unless you are alone or with young children. Teach your wife for goodness sake. Go to the luanch on a cloudy day and practice. Or hog the launch and slow the line and listen to me chew you out next time I see it.
The parks employee should be making the line faster not slower. I watched for 30 mins as the parks employee only allowed one vehicle every few mins. while over half, that means almost ten open stalls were sitting unused. No wonder the line stretches all the way down Eastlake Sammamish Pkwy.
I assure you if this launch was privitized this would not happen. Unfortunetly another sorry example of shameless waste of tax payer dollars and total inefficiency on the part of a government entitiy.
August 15 Launch maintenance is unacceptable

We love Lake Sammamish, we hate the launch. We have been loyally paying our launch fees for the past 15+ years. Simple math tells all users that the money we pay is not going to maintain and improve the boat launch we are paying for. Exposed nails, broken boards, lack of direction for loading and un-loading ends of the launch are just some of the issues. Mowing the lawn and cleaning the toilets is not enough.
In addition, there should be a internet access camera at the launch and on East Lake Sammamish Parkway to inform users of the lever of traffic and launch conditions.
Also, there seems to be a growing camper park by the restrooms...
July 14 DOCKS BEYOND ACCEPTABLE! by mw - sammamish

This past weekend after being on the lake all day, we headed back to the boat launch and when pulling the boat up to the dock, I jumped out to help my wife hold the boat and due to the docks being under water and not being made of a non slip material, both feet went out from under me and I landed directly on to a cleat into my chest. when I tried to get up I went down again. The docks have never been this bad, cleats that are loose, the wood is splintered on both sides on just about every dock, they are extremly slippery, and there is no mercy to your boat if it rubs against these docks. We have been avid boaters for the last 4 years and only on lake Sammamish. The docks used to have painted lines that helped when there are 50 trailers trying to fit in 12 spots. At $7 bucks a trip, you would think the launch would be maintained better than it is. Lastly, it wouldnt hurt to put a sign at the launch letting beggining boaters know that the first set of docks are for launching and the last set for loading. Hoping to see changes soon as we visit the lake three to four times a week.
July 12 Extremely Dangerous Docks! by July 12, 2010

On Thursday, July 8th, after a great evening of boating, went to pull the boat out. My wife, with bow line in hand, jumped off the bow of the boat onto the dock. Both of her feet went out from underneath her and she landed on the back of her head and suffered a concussion! Our great evening turned into a trip to the urgent care in Issaquah. It could have been a lot worse though. Just an F.Y.I., the docks are extremely slippery.
They are in need of repair (replacement) and there needs to be some anti-skid material placed on the docks!
June 28 Issues with maintenance

Hello! Its Summer time. The maintenance is supposed to be complete - anticipating volumes of children and adults enjoying boating good times.
Park signage is out of date, boat docks are underwater, lanes need painting ??? What the heck is the on site manager doing? The Sammamish boat launch area is below standards.
Thank you, A tax paying Sammamish resident ..
June 24 Docs need replaced!!!!

The docks are now under water by a few inches, leaving them a great place for algae to grow and making them extremely slippery. I slipped and fell and am quite injured. They are a hazard to boats as well, as you cannot see them to navigate around them.
May 11 Boat Launch by jds

Needs to have new docks installed the old ones are falling apart.
April 28 the ramps are in major need of repairs

the ramps are 3 feet from the docks and they are also too skinny. the docks are falling apart and need to have tie downs that actually work.
August 6 Boat Launch Lane Painting Needed

I am an annual Launch Permit user and notice
the launch lanes need to be repainted again.
I notice many boaters are having a problem
finding the ramps.
I also notice the ends of some of the docks
are in need of repair. Many nails exposed.