Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
September 12 From a West Texan-TREES! Beautiful Park! by Lee
July 3 A must for visiting grandchildren by twinks
June 17 Great memories by David Carpenter, Hamburg, AR

I spent many wonderful summers at Logoly boy scout camp in the 60s, and now visit to relive those great times. Wow. What a rush. Keep up the good work. Nice exhibits.
April 6 Our family has many memories there by momma_fuller

We live near the park and try to go on a regular bases. We have had many birthday parties there and just family get togthers. Both of our kids love to be there to learn about the plants,animals, and just the whole plantet. And i just want to tell the volenteers and workers THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!!!!!! Because without u there would not ba a safe place for my children to go to learn about all the living things this world has to offer.