Park Visitor: Comments, Memories and Reviews
April 28 Not as I Remembered It... But Great!

I haven?t been to the refuge since Y2K. Yes, the lands and the loop have changed since then but the Nisqually Estuary Boardwalk Trail is truly fantastic. It was so terrific to see birders of every age enjoying the sights and sounds of the refuge residents. Well done!
August 6 A Pacific Northwest Diamond in the Rough by A scientist and avid hiker

I firmly maintain that Nisqually is transforming into an area of trails surrounded by a fantastic myriad of NATURAL habitats. The refuge lands will not be fully appreciated until nature takes over the restoration efforts of the NNWR scientists and the area evolves back into its pre-Brown Farm dike state. Thanks to those scientists, the restoration efforts are revamping an area of immeasurable value in western Washington for both wildlife and those who actually appreciate hiking a native habitat of the Nisqually Delta. So,if you want to experience trails within an ecosystem of a soon-to-be NATURAL condition flourishing with wildlife, Nisqually NWR is the place for you!
August 12 Abolishing the trails by Gwen & Joe

Too bad the trails are closed. We loved it down there. But alas, the environmentalists won again. We will NEVER return to the refuge again, unfortunately. Thank God we have pictures to remember it.
September 25 The photo blinds were great by Carolyn Davidson

Well maintained and very relaxing. A good walk and appreciation of nature. Saw many of the listed birds.