Astoria, Oregon 97103-9197

This site commemorates the 1805-06 winter encampment of the 33-member Lewis and Clark Expedition. A 1955 community-built replica of the explorers' 50'x50' Fort Clatsop is the focus of the park. The fort, historic canoe landing, and spring are nestled in the coastal forests and wetlands of the Coast Range as it merges with the Columbia River Estuary. The Salt Works unit commemorates the expedition's salt-making activities. Salt obtained from seawater was essential to the explorers' winter at Fort Clatsop and their journey back to the United States in 1806.
Fort Clatsop National Memorial is located near Astoria, Seaside
As the Bicentennial Commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Expedition continues, and events are occurring further west, Fort Clatsop is becoming a very popular destination for school groups. There are many exciting opportunities and changes happening here at the park as well as along the entire Lewis and Clark Trail. We hope that you enjoy your bicentennial experience whether it is in your classroom, here at the park or along the trail of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
Each year program availability is different. Please check the information carefully for the program you are interested in participating. We begin accepting reservations for the next school year on May 1st.
The education program at Fort Clatsop offers a variety of experiences that take students of all ages back in time to discover what life was like for the Lewis and Clark Expedition during their 1805-06 winter stay at Fort Clatsop. These program include both in-park and outreach options that will bring the park and your classroom closer together in order to commemorate our nation's heritage.
Nearby Attractions:
Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce
Seaside Visitors Bureau
Seaside Downtown Development Association
Cannon Beach Chamber of Commerce Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau (Washington)
Ocean Park Area Chamber of Commerce (Washington)
Fort Stevens
Ecola State Park
Cape Disappointment State Park (formerly Fort Canby State Park)
Fort Columbia State Park
ort Clatsop is located in the northwest corner of Oregon. It is six miles south of Astoria off Highway 101.
The estimated driving distances and minimum driving times for buses from major communities in the area are:
Portland ? south (via Hwys 26 & 101, through Seaside), 100 miles (2-1/2 Hours)
Portland ? north (via I-5 to Longview, then Hwy 30 through Astoria, 100 miles (2 -1/2 Hours)
Longview (via Hwy. 30 through Astoria), 50 miles (1 hour 20 minutes)
Tillamook (via Hwy. 101 through Seaside, 60 miles (2 hours)
Aberdeen (via Hwy. 101 across the Astoria-Megler Bridge), 81 miles (2-1/2 Hours)
Salem (via Hwy. 26 & 101 through Seaside), 134 miles (2-1/2 Hours)