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Ohio State Parks

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Alum Creek State Park © Rich Fowler
Alum Creek State Park © Rich Fowler
Deer Creek State Park Deer Creek State Park © Lonnie Williams
Below the Spillway
Geneva-On-The-Lake State Park © Jim Snyder
Kelleys Island State Park Kelleys Island © Jeff Hudak
Another view along East Lake Shore Drive.
Alum Creek State Park © Rich Fowler
Alum Creek State Park © Rich Fowler
South Bass Island State Park Perry Peace Memorial © Jeff Hudak
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry Peace Memorial.
Deer Creek State Park Deer Creek State Park © Lonnie Williams
Below the Spillway
Cardinal ©
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Ohio's Central Region Parks

State Parks
State Wildlife Areas
State Memorials
State Nature Preserves
Parks in this region are near these Ohio Cities (click city name to see parks within 25 miles)
A W Marion State Park
The rolling woodlands and quiet waters of A.W. Marion State Park offer visitors a welcome escape from the rigors of everyday life. This small but unique park offers a variety of recreational activities while maintaining a quiet atmosphere of natural serenity. ........more >
Alum Creek State Park
Alum Creek's large reservoir and gently rolling span of fields and woodlands provides a hub of recreational activity just minutes from Ohio's capital city. Quiet coves nestled among shale cliffs await the solitary fisherman in the park's northern reaches while sunseekers mingle with thousands on Ohio's ........more >
Blackhand Gorge State Nature Preserve
Blackhand Gorge State Nature Preserve is a 956-acre area that was dedicated as an interpretive nature preserve in 1975. This dedication process ensures that the area's scientific, educational and aesthetic values will be preserved indefinitely for use by all Ohioans. The prime feature of the preserve ........more >
Buckeye Lake State Park
Buckeye Lake, constructed as a canal feeder lake in 1826, is Ohio's oldest state park. The park has long been a popular vacation spot and offers endless water-related recreational opportunities including swimming, skiing, boating and fishing.........more >
Cedar Bog State Nature Preserve
Cedar Bog is the largest and best calcareous bog or fen in Ohio. One of the most characteristic plants of this preserve is white cedar or arbor-vitae. Significant boreal, as well as prairie and coastal plain species, occur here. Some of the more unusual plants include small yellow and show lady's-slipper ........more >
Deer Creek State Park
Located in the heart of Ohio's agricultural country, Deer Creek State Park is central Ohio's vacation showplace. A collage of meadows and woodlands surround the scenic reservoir. This resort park features a modern lodge, cottages, campground, golf course, swimming beach and boating for outdoor enthusiasts.........more >
Delaware State Park
Dense woodlands, expansive meadows and a shimmering reservoir blend to create Delaware State Park. Once home to the Delaware Indians, this recreational area offers camping, swimming, boating, fishing and wildlife viewing for outdoor enthusiasts.........more >
Fox Island State Park
Fox Island State Park is a magnificent natural oasis nestled along Ohio's southwest coast. Stretching over 600 acres, this enchanting park boasts stunning landscapes, including lush forests, pristine wetlands, and captivating sandy beaches. Visitors can enjoy a plethora of activities, such as hiking ........more >
Great Circle Earthworks
The Great Circle Earthworks, formerly known as Moundbuilders State Memorial, was built by the Hopewell culture approximately 2000 years ago. The circle is nearly 1200 feet in diameter and was used as a vast ceremonial center by its builders. The Great ........more >
Indian Lake State Park
Indian Lake offers a diversity of water-related recreational opportunities. Boating, fishing, skiing and camping are highlights of this multi-use park.........more >
Kiser Lake State Park
The quiet and relaxing atmosphere of Kiser Lake State Park makes it a favorite Ohio getaway. The rolling wooded hills and diverse wetlands add to the beauty of this scenic lake known for its clean, clear waters.........more >
Knox Lake State Wildlife Area
The Division of Wildlife maintains the parking lots, picnic areas, boat ramps, docks and rental boat slips. The reservoir has a 10 horse power limit on outboard motors. However, larger outboard motors may be operated at no wake or idle-speed only. ........more >
Logan Elm State Memorial
Logan Elm State Memorial is said to be the site where, in 1774, Chief Logan of the Mingo tribe delivered his eloquent speech on Indian-white relations. The speech was supposedly delivered under a large elm tree. Considered to be one of the largest elms in the U. S., the tree ........more >
Madison Lake State Park
Lying within the vast Darby Plains of Ohio, Madison Lake is small and peaceful. The lake attracts anglers and offers excellent sailing, rowing and canoeing opportunities. ........more >
Mount Gilead State Park
Mt. Gilead State Park is a quiet, small park centrally located in the state of Ohio. Picnicking, fishing and hiking can be enjoyed year-round at this beautiful location. ........more >
Octagon Earthworks
The Octagon Earthworks are part of the Newark Earthworks complex of prehistoric Indian earthworks, originally one of the most extensive earthworks of its kind in the country. Enclosing 50 acres, the Octagon Earthworks are joined by parallel walls to ........more >
Rock Mill Lake Wilderness Area
The Rock Mill Lake Wilderness Area in Ohio is a serene and picturesque refuge that boasts breathtaking natural beauty. Nestled amidst rolling hills, dense forests, and an enchanting lake, this wilderness area offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visitors can enjoy hiking ........more >
Sherman House State Memorial
The Sherman House State Memorial, located in Lancaster, Ohio, is a fascinating historical site that offers a glimpse into the life and legacy of the renowned Civil War General William Tecumseh Sherman. The house, originally built in the early 1800s, served as Sherman's childhood home and has been beautifully ........more >
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Ohio State Parks